Weekly Reading Insights: Chaye Sara 5767

Overview of the Weekly Reading, Chaye Sara

To be read on Shabbat Chaye Sara - 27 Mar Cheshvan 5767 /November 18, 2006

Torah:Genesis 23:1-25:18; Haftorah: Kings I 1:1-31 (because the first verse is like Gen. 24:1)
Shabbat Mevorchim - Blessing the New Month

Chaye Sara, 5th out of 12 in Genesis, 5th overall, 37th out of 54 in overall length.

Sarah died at the age of 127. Avraham bought the Cave of Machpelah. Avraham sent his servant to look for a wife for his son, making him swear not to bring back a Canaanite bride. The servant left for Charan, and arriving at the well, asked G-d to give him a sign. Rivkah arrived to draw water. The servant asked if he may have some, and after he drank she drew more water for his camels. The servant spent the night in her father's house. Her family agreed to let Rivkah marry Yitzchak. Avraham remarried Keturah, who bore him six sons. Avraham died at the age of 175, and was buried in the Cave of Machpelah, next to Sarah. Ishmael had twelve sons, each princes for their nations. He died at the age of 137. His descendants lived along the border of Egypt all the way to Assyria.


From the holy Zohar, teachings of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai (Z:0467/Vayera)

Why then is it written that G-d tested Abraham, not Isaac? This was indeed Abraham's test, for G-d [wanted to bring Abraham to perfection]. Thus He sought to blend Abraham with judgement [i.e. the sefira of gevura], of which there was no trace at all in Abraham prior to this.

Now, [once Abraham passed the test] water [chesed, kindness] would be blended with fire [gevura, din, severity].

For the full article, click to the "Weekly Holidays" section on our KabbalaOnline site.

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From the holy Ari, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria of Safed (A:0567/Chaye Sara)

In the Ultimate Future, after the soul returns from its temporary abode in the afterlife and is resurrected in the rectified physical world, there will be no need for the soul to experience such "processed" divine consciousness, i.e. there will be no need for the name Havayah to be spelled out.

For the full article, click to the "Weekly Holidays" section on our KabbalaOnline site.

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From Rabbi Chaim (ben Moshe) Ibn Atar (S:0567/Chaye Sara)

While the righteous are alive in this world, the four basic material elements that every human being is composed of become transformed into something spiritual and attach themselves to their souls by means of the good deeds that such persons perform during their sojourn on earth.

For the full article, click to the "Weekly Torah" section on our KabbalaOnline site.


"And Avraham gave all his possesions to Yitschak. And to the children of the maidservants.....he gave presents" [25:5-6]

Yitschak, who was a pure offering, represents holiness and the service of G-d. The children of the maidservants represent the physical world. This is what we learn from the verse: "all his possesions" - the best of one's time and strength should be given to 'Yitschak' - matters of holiness, and to worldly matters only "presents", a small amount of attention.

from Likutei Sichot [translated from Sichat HaShavuah 153]


from the Chabad Master series, produced by Rabbi Yosef Marcus for

www.ascentofsafed.com and www.kabbalaonline.org

MOSHIACH THIS WEEK (M:0567/Chaye Sara)

After the passing of his wife Sara, Abraham purchased the field in Hebron with the Cave of Machpelah as a burial place. This purchase represents the beginning of the general redemption of all Jews. The commentary Pa'ane'ach Raza explains that with the 400 silver shekels that Abraham paid (Gen. 23:16), he purchased one square cubit of the Land of Israel for every one of the 600,000 root-souls of the Children of Israel.

(From Discover Moshiach)

An essay from Rabbi Shaul Yosef Leiter, director of Ascent

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This week's Torah reading contains the first description of how a match came about between our ancestors, Isaac and Rebecca. According to Rebbe Michil of Zlotchov, a basic secret of a good Jewish marriage is learning Torah! Eliezer, Abraham's servant, describes the events leading to his meeting Rebecca: "And I was standing by the well, and the daughters of the townspeople approached" (Gen. 24:43). Eliezer just mentioned in the previous verse that he was by the well. Why does he repeat this detail? Rebbe Michil answers with a teaching he received from his father about Hagar, Sara's maidservant from last week's portion.

When Hagar was sent from Abraham's home, the Torah says that an angel found her by a well. Once she was no longer a member of Abraham's household, she no longer had the merit to see angels. It was only by a well that an angel could appear to her because of the holy dimension of water. Water is compared to and connected to Torah, G-d's will and wisdom. Just like Torah, water comes from the highest heights into the world, in order to nourish and strengthen. So it was only by water that the angel could appear to her.

This was also true regarding Eliezer. Eliezer was an extremely humble person; he assumed that because of his lowliness and unworthiness that G-d would not allow him to fulfill his mission. Therefore, he specifically states that he was standing by a well. Even if he was not worthy, perhaps in the merit of the water, he would be able to do as his master requested of him.

This connects to what it says in the Midrash (Yalkut Shimoni, Ezekiel 331a), that outside of Israel G-d's indwelling presence, the Shechina, cannot reveal itself except near water, due to water's special qualities, as mentioned above. The lesson for all of us is that to insure that we succeed in all of our endeavors (and particularly in our marriages!) we must study Torah which is called "a flowing well". Through Torah study, which is compared to water, the Shechina can dwell with us. This will bring great revelations, and ultimately, please G-d soon, the Redemption.

The Shlah writes of the great merit to succeed in helping your children find their soul mates. Do your best to connect to good families just as Abraham did. Although it became apparent later that Rebecca was a righteous prophetess, Abraham ostensibly recommended her originally because she was from a good family, relative to those times.

Shabbat Shalom, Shaul

P.S. Please also read my weekly Shabbat Law, below.

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