Weekly Chasidic Story 634 (s5770-19 / 4 Shevat 5770)


The elderly cleaning lady who worked for Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira - "Baba Sali" even knew his holy grandfather, Rebbe Yaakov.

Connection: 26th Yahrzeit



In the home of Baba Sali, there was an old woman who helped with the cleaning. She had helped in the home of Baba Sali even in Morocco, and she knew both Rabbi Massoud, Baba Salis's father, and his sainted grandfather, the holy Rebbe Yaakov AbuChatzeirah.

The old woman once said that there was one illness she had never had to fear - and that would be anything resulting in the loss of/or impairment of her sight. Of this she was unafraid because Rebbe Yaakov had blessed her and said that her eyes would remain healthy all of her life.

One day, however, during the course of her work, the old woman slipped and fell. She hit her head, and became very dizzy. Suddenly her vision was unclear. The others in Baba Sali's household helped her up, and told her to rest awhile. After the initial scare, the woman realized that she could not see at all.

She immediately shouted for someone's help so that she could get out of bed and speak to Baba Sali. She was not prepared to become a burden to anyone, at this age, she shouted angrily. What's more, she said, she wanted to remain working at the Rav's home. Hadn't the greatest of the great - Rebbe Yaakov - blessed her with perfect, healthy eyes? "His blessings were not made of plastic," she wept. "His blessings were real!"

Baba Sali heard all the shouting and commotion, and was informed of what had happened. He told his attendant to tell her that if Rebbe Yaakov blessed her, then she need not worry. The promise would stand and she should have faith in the words of Rebbe Yaakov. Baba Sali then instructed her to wash her hands ritually with an undamaged cup, according to the Laws of Washing Hands in the Morning. Then, she should pray that her sight be returned because she was promised by Rebbe Yaakov that she would never lose this power.

The attendant reported to the woman what Baba Sali had said and the woman finally agreed to go home, confident that her sight would be completely restored. Sure enough, when she returned the next day, her sight was as perfect as it had ever been! Baba Sali asked that a seudat hoda'ah [meal of thanksgiving] be prepared in honor of those who are miraculously healed!

Biographic Notes:
Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzira [1890 - 4 Shvat 1984] known as Baba Sali, was born in Tafillalt, Morocco to one of Jewry's most illustrious families. From a young age he was renowned as a sage, miracle maker and master kabbalist. In 1964 he moved to Eretz Yisrael, eventually settling in 1970 in the Southern development town he made famous, Netivot. Several biographies have since been written about him, including two in English.

Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzira (1807 - 20 Tevet 1880) is the most famous of all the Moroccan kabbalists. He authored twelve books of or touching upon Kabbala. The inestimable "Baba Sali" of our century was his grandson.


Yerachmiel Tilles is co-founder and associate director of Ascent-of-Safed, and chief editor of this website (and of KabbalaOnline.org). He has hundreds of published stories to his credit, and many have been translated into other languages. He tells them live at Ascent nearly every Saturday night.

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