based on:

"One Min Halacha" #18
By HaRav Yosef-Yeshaya Braun
member of the 3-man Lubavitch rabbinical court of Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

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WEEKDAY Law #w03: "If I tell others that a vendor is extra expensive, is this Lashon Harah ('evil gossip')?"

18 Telling other people that a particular vendor is extremely expensive is in many cases not an issue of Lashon Harah/evil gossip. In fact, if the vendor's price is more than 20% of the established market price, it is an issue of Oina'ah/deception, as the vendor is deceiving their customers by charging them more than is reasonable and accepted, On the contrary, it is appropriate to spread the word, because there is the Biblical prohibition of "do not stand idly by as one's fellow's blood is being shed," which in this case would mean the obligation to protect people so that they should not have to spend more money than reasonably expected.

Even if the overcharge is less than one-sixth, since this is still considered a loss for the clients, the the prohibition of Lashon Harah is not an issue according to most rabbinical authorities. Although the Chofetz Chaim rules that Lashon Harah does apply and therefore one should not tell when the extra amount is less than a sixth, the majority of rabbinical authorities do not consider this Lashon Harah, as it is protecting consumers.

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