Weekly Chasidic Story #1348 (5784-05) 24 Tishrei 5784 (Oct.9,
"Accessing the Hidden Lights of Creation"
An uncle of the girl in Mexico was dispatched to Netivot, in southern Israel,
to seek the blessing and advice of the holy Baba Sali.
Connection: The third verse in the weekly Torah reading encapsulates the theme
of the story
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"Rabbi Elazar said: The light that the Holy One, blessed be He, made on
the first day of Creation was not that of the sun but a different kind of light,
through which Adam could observe from one end of the world to the other. But
when G-d looked upon the generations of the Flood and the Dispersion and saw
that their ways would be corrupt and that they might misuse this light for evil,
He arose and concealed it from them
. And for whom did He conceal it? For
the righteous people in the future, as it is stated: "And G-d saw the light,
that it was good" (Gen. 1:3), "good" referring to none other
than the tzadikim (perfectly righteous people)." (Talmud Chagiga 12a)
The uniqueness and greatness of the holy Baba Sali, Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira
of blessed memory, was not limited to those times that he revealed his powers
by performing open miracles, for his entire behavior and true spiritual level
were beyond the comprehension of ordinary men. All were amazed by the simplicity
with which he spoke about the secrets of creation and the hidden ways in which
G-d guides His world. Even as we know that the pathways in heaven are as familiar
to tzadikim as the entryways to their own homes, the matter-of-fact manner in
which the Baba Sali spoke about heavenly concepts was astounding.
Stories heard from reliable witnesses abound. One of the most remarkable stories
about the holy light and vision of the Baba Sali took place over fifty years
A terrible incident occurred in 1972 when a daughter of one of the most prominent
Jewish families in Mexico was kidnapped by a group of Mexican gangsters who
had been tracking the girl in the hopes of holding her for a large ransom. They
demanded $60 million for the safe return of the young girl. If their demands
were not met, they threatened, the girl would be executed. There were to be
no further negotiations, they declared.
Unfortunately, this was not wholly uncommon. Throughout the latter half of
the 20th century, the Mexican Jewish community lived in relative stability.
The economic boom that followed World War II lasted for nearly thirty years
and continued to allow Mexican Jews to greatly prosper. However, the country
began to experience economic difficulties, which affected them in numerous ways.
Abductions, theft and gang-related crime became all too commonplace and no one
was safe, least of all the wealthy Jews of Mexico and its environs.
The family of the girl was in a state of panic. They could not possibly come
up with that absurd sum of money and the Mexican police could not be relied
upon to find their daughter alone.
An uncle of the kidnapped girl was dispatched to Netivot, in southern Israel,
to seek the blessing and advice of the holy Baba Sali. The man rushed to the
tzadik's home and explained what had occurred to his niece in Mexico. He informed
the Baba Sali that the kidnappers had said they would not negotiate. They wanted
their money or the consequences would be dire.
The Chacham (sage, wise man) sat in his chair motionless. His face was almost
entirely covered by the veil he wore over it. He seemed to have immersed himself
totally inward.
Suddenly, he called for a pen and paper. His attendant ran to bring the items
and the Baba Sali began to talk as he traced the shape of a building on the
paper. This is what he said:
"In order to rescue the girl, this is what you must do. Go to so and so
(he named a specific place) and there you will find two of the kidnappers. One
is short and stout like a barrel and the other is tall and thin like a tree.
Bring with you twenty policemen and overwhelm the two kidnappers who are acting
as lookouts.
"Then, take these two men and have them lead you to the spot where the
girl is being kept. Be careful. There are another six kidnappers who are hiding
out there. Let the first two open the doors and then the police can storm in
and rescue the girl. Do this and you will be successful."
The uncle rushed out and relayed the information, just as the Baba Sali had
drawn it up on paper. The police were informed, the raid was successful, thank
G-d, and the girl was rescued. The entire plan was carried out exactly how the
Baba Sali had outlined it from his home in Netivot, over 6,000 miles away!
The Baba had never stepped foot in Mexico, nor, of course, had he ever seen
the buildings he diagrammed or how the kidnappers looked. And yet, he could
see them; he could see it all! Undoubtedly, it was the special light -- the
"Ohr Haganuz" ('Hidden Light) -- which enabled him to see from one
end of the world to the other.
Source: Adapted and supplemented by Yerachmiel Tilles from the Parshas
Bereishis 5779 email of Torah Tavlin, as posted on ShabbosStories.com.
Biographical note: Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira [1890 - 4 Shvat
1984] known as Baba Sali, was born in Tafilalet Morocco, to one of Jewry's
most illustrious families. From a young age he was renowned as a sage, miracle
maker and master kabbalist. In 1964 he moved to Eretz Yisrael, eventually settling
in 1970 in the Southern development town he made famous, Netivot, and where,
since 1984, his tomb has become one of Israel's most visited pilgrimage sites.
A number of collect-ions of stories featuring him have been published, including
at least two in English.
Connection: The third verse in the weekly Torah reading encapsulates the theme
of the story.
Tilles is co-founder and associate director of Ascent-of-Safed, and chief editor
of this website (and of KabbalaOnline.org). He has hundreds of published stories
to his credit, and many have been translated into other languages. He tells
them live at Ascent nearly every Saturday night.
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Full Moon"
("Under the Full Moon" vol 2 - holiday stories)
is now available
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"Saturday Night, Full Moon",
is also available for purchase on
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