Festivals and Holidays

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Holiday #353/03 Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah 5785 Wednesday, sunset, Oct.17 - Wednesday, Oct.24, nightfall
Holiday #352/02 Yom Kippur 5785 Shabbat, October 12
Holiday #351/01 Rosh Hashanah 5785 Wednesday evening-Friday, Oct. 2 (sunset) - Oct. 4, (sunset)
Holiday #354/04 Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah 5785 Wednesday, Oct. 24 (nightfall) - Thursday Oct. 25(+26), (nightfall)


Holiday #284 Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah 5781 Oct 9-10(+11)
Holiday #283 Sukkot 5781 Oct. 2-8
Holiday #350/19 Chai Elul 5784 Sept. 21
Holiday #349/18 The Month of Elul 5784 Sept 2 - Oct. 2, 2024
Holiday #348/17 Chamisha Asar (15th) b'Av 5784 August 19
Holiday #347/16 Tisha b'Av 5784 August 12 (sunset) - August 13 (nightfall)
Holiday #346/15 The Seventeenth of Tammuz 5784 July 23
Holiday #345/14 Shavuot 5784 June 11, night -June 12 (+13 outside of Israel)
Holiday #344/13 Lag b'Omer 5784 May 18-19
Holiday #343/12 Pesach - Last Day(s) 5784 April 28-29(+30)
Holiday #342/11 Pesach - First Day(s) 5784 April 22-24
Holiday #341/10 Purim 5784 March 20-21(+22)
Holiday #340/09 Purim Katan ("Little Purim") Feb. 22, sunset, - Feb.23 (23, sunset-24)
Holiday #339/08 Adars 5784 (leap-months) Feb. 4 - April 5
Holiday #338/07 Tu b'Shvat 5784 Jan. 24-25, 2024
Holiday #337/06 Chanukah 5784 Dec 7-15
Holiday #336/05 Yud-Tes Kislev 5784 Dec. 1-3
Holiday #335/04 Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah 5784 Oct. 6-7 (8)
Holiday #334/03 Sukkot 5784 Sep. 29, sunset - Oct. 6, sunset
Holiday #333/02 Yom Kippur 5784 Sep. 24-25
Holiday #332/01 Rosh Hashanah 5784 Sep. 15-17


Holiday #330/16 The Month of Elul 5783 Aug. 16, sunset - Sept 15
Holiday #329/15 Tu b'Av 5783 August 1 sunset - August 2 nightfall
Holiday #327/13 The Seventeenth of Tammuz 5783 June 6
Holiday #326/12 Shavuot 5783 May 25-26 (+May 37)
Holiday #325/11 Lag b'Omer 5783 May 8-9
Holiday #324/10 Pesach Sheini ("Second Passover") 5783 May 5
Holiday #323/9 Pesach 5783 April 5-12(+13)
Holiday #322/8 Purim 5783 March 6-7(8)
Holiday #321/7 Tu b'Shvat 5783 Feb. 5-6, 2023
Holiday #320/6 Chanukah 5783 Dec. 18-26
Holiday #319/5 Yud-Tes Kislev 5783 Dec. 12-13
Holiday #318/4 Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah 5783 Oct. 16-17(18)
Holiday #317/3 Sukkot 5783 Oct. 9-16
Holiday #316/2 Yom Kippur 5783 Oct. 4-5
Holiday #315/1 Rosh Hashanah 5783 Sept 25-27, 2022


Holiday #314 The Month of Elul 5782 Aug. 26, sunset - Sept 25
Holiday #313 The Ten Days 5782 Friday, July 29 - August 7
Holiday #312 Shavuot 5782 June 4, night -June 5 (+6 outside of Israel)
Holiday #311 Lag b'Omer 5782 May 18-19
Holiday #310 Pesach 5782 April 15, Shabbat evening - April 22
Holiday #309 Purim 5782
March. 16-17 (+18 in Jerusalem)
Holiday #308 Purim Katan ("Little Purim") Feb. 14-15(15-16)
Holiday #307 Tu b'Shvat 5782 Jan. 16-17, 2022
Holiday #306 The Fast Day of the Tenth of the Tenth Dec. 14
Holiday #305 Chanukah 5782 Nov. 28 - Dec. 6
Holiday #304 Yud-Tes Kislev 5782 Nov. 26-27
Holiday #303 Simchat Torah 5782 Sept.27-28(+29)
Holiday #302 Sukkot 5782 Sept 20-27
Holiday #301 Yom Kippur 5782 Sep. 15-16
Holiday #300 Rosh Hashanah 5782 Sep. 6-8, 2021


Holiday #297 The Three Weeks 5781 June 27 - July 18
Holiday #295 The Three Weeks June 27 - July 18
Holiday #294 Shavuot 5781 May 16 night - 17(+18)
Holiday #291 Counting Omer 5781 March 28(night) - May 16
Holiday #289 Purim 5781 Feb. 28, night - Mar. 1 (+Mar. 2)
Holiday #286 Chanukah 5781 Dec. 10-18
Holiday #284 Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah 5781 Oct 9-10(+11)
Holiday #283 Sukkot 5781 Oct. 2-8
Holiday #282 Yom Kippur 5781 Sept 27-28


Holiday #259 Tisha b'Av 5779 August 10 sunset - August 11 nightfall
Holiday #276 The Three Weeks 5780 July 9 - 30
Holiday #258 The Three Weeks 5779 July 21 - Aug. 11
Holiday #257 The Fast of the Seventeenth of Tammuz 5779 July 20
Holiday #273 Lag b'Omer 5780 May 11 night - May 12
Holiday #246 Sukkot 5779 Sept. 23-30
Holiday #264 Yom Kippur 5780 Oct. 8 (sunset) - Oct. 9 (nightfall)
Holiday #228 Yom Kippur 5778 Sep. 29-30
Holiday #263 Rosh Hashanah 5780 Sep. 29, sunset - Oct. 1, nightfall


(To receive seasonal thoughts about upcoming holidays by email -- sign up here!)

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