MAY YOU ENJOY A RECTIFYING MONTH OF ELUL!For full information and reservations on ASCENT's events and
Sept. 16 | UPCOMING CHASIDIC HOLY DAY : CHAI (18th) ELUL - This Shabbat! |
Sept. 16 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: An essay on this week's Torah reading, Ki Tavo, by Rabbi Shaul Yosef Leiter, Executive Director of ASCENT |
Sept. 16 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "A Greater Joy" (Ki Tavo - Shelah) |
Sept. 16 | Chasidut/Kabbalah: MORE on this week's Torah reading, Ki Tavo, from Kabbalah sages and Chasidic masters, and on |
Sept. 16 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: PIRKEI AVOT -- Mystical Insights into Rabbinical Ethics [Cycle 4] chapter THREE |
Sept. 16 |
This Week's Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1397: "The Cosmic Twin of the Baal Shem Tov" |
Sept. 16 | BONUS story for CHAI [18] ELUL: "Mirror Mirror on the Wall" (The Baal Shem Tov & the Baal Tanya (Alter Rebbe of Chabad) VIDEO LINK |
Sept. 9 |
Ascent storyteller WhatsApp Group and email list: a different embedded audio, embedded video and linked print story each Saturday night. THIS WEEK's Schedule |
Sept. 2 |
CURRENT Jewish Month: ELUL -- Monday, Sept. 2, sunset - Oct. 2, sunset] |
Aug. 19 | Chassidic/Kabbalah Stories: Brief Biographical Glimpses of all the main characters in alphabetical order, cross-referenced to the story ID numbers UPDATED! |
May 6 | Pirkei Avot: Introductory & Concluding verses -- Mystical Insights into Rabbinical Ethics |
Oct. 30 |
"Amazing ASCENT Story from the Gaza war" (Story #1351) |
Support Ascent: A shorter, simpler, more efficient Donation page, including 3 new PayPal links and updated addresses | |
ASCENT FACEBOOK "Ascent Tsfat" Please join! | |
"Festivals of the Full Moon" (vol. 2) and "Saturday Night, Full Moon" (vol. 1) are available for purchase in Tsfat at ASCENT, online at KorenPub, at better Jewish bookstores internationally, and on Amazon in both hardcover and Kindle editions | |
COMING ATTRACTIONS! (PLUS the usual, PLUS more!) |
Sept. 23 | SELICHOT |
Sept. 23 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: PIRKEI AVOT -- Mystical Insights into Rabbinical Ethics [Cycle 4] chapter FOUR-FIVE-SIX |
Sept. 23 |
Next Week's Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1398: The Wet Nurse of the Lubavitcher Rebbe |
Recent features and selected Oldies but Goodies -- a sampling | |
Sept. 9 |
Last Week's Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1396: "The Conflicted Tailor" (Apter Rebbe) |
Sept. 9 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Getting Paid on Time" (Ki Teitzei - the Holy Ari) |
Sept. 2 |
Recent Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1395: "Jobless, Twenty-Seven Years Old, And Single" |
Sept. 2 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Divination: Forbidden and Permitted" (Shoftim) |
Aug. 26 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Spiritual and Selfless" (RE'EY) |
Aug. 19 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Not by Bread Alone" (EKEV) |
Aug. 12 |
Recent from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1392: "The Bareheaded Bus Driver's Desire For Shabbat |
Aug. 12 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Audio-Visual-Connections" (Vaet'chanan) |
Aug. 5 - Sept. 2 |
Aug. 5 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "The Healing of Hearing by Seeing" (Devarim) |
Aug. 5 |
Sages of Safed: "Yahrzeit of the Ari" (Hei [5th] Av) |
Aug. 5 | BONUS story for 5 Av: "Revealed on a Forehead" (The "Holy ARI" of Safed - Rabbi Yitzchak Luria) VIDEO LINK |
Aug. 5 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "The Shabbat of Vision" (Devarim) |
July 29 |
Recent Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1390: "What Was, Was. Now Start Anew (Rabbi Y.D. Grossman) |
July 29 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "The 42 Journeys of Our Lives" (Massai) |
July 22 |
RECENT JEWISH HOLY DAY: (The Fast Day of Seventeenth of Tammuz) |
July 22 |
Recent Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1389: "The Tzadik that Slapped a Donkey" (Chacham Menachem Menashe) |
July 15 |
Recent Chasidic Festival: "The Arrest (story#347) and Liberation (story#1021) of the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe" (12-13 Tammuz / Wed. night - Friday, July 17-19) |
July 8 | The Lubavitcher Rebbe - 30th yahrzeit: A Brief Biography |
July 8 | A personal story with The Lubavitcher Rebbe from one of Ascent's founders VIDEO LINK |
July 1 |
Recent Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1386: "Appointed Messengers from Heaven" (Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu) |
June 24 |
Recent Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1385: "The Flying Four-Cornered Garment" (IDF - Gaza) |
June 24 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Praying at Ancestral Graves" (Shelach) |
June 10 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Fasting While Eating" (Naso) |
June 10 |
BONUS Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles-- "How to Hear the Ten Commandments" (SHAVUOT) VIDEO LINK |
June 10 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "An Angelic Visitation" (Safed Sages) |
June 10 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "600000 Root Souls" (Shavuot) |
June 3 |
May 20 |
May 20 |
Previous Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1380: "THE CRASHING WHEELCHAIR" (Vizhnitz - MERON) |
May 13 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Priestly Misconduct" (EMOR) |
May 13 |
Previous Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1379: "The Double Organ Donator" |
May 6 | Current Events: "Israel's Ambassador to the UN Strongly Critiques the UN at the UN" a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 22 minute VIDEO |
May 6 | Torah and Science: "The Orthodox Jewish Student Who Won Gold in the International Science Olympiad" |
April 29 |
Previous Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1377: "A Series of Impositions" (*Pirkei Avot, Ch. 1) |
April 25 |
April 25 | "When G-d Told Us Not to Pray!" (7th Pesach) |
April 21 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: ""Matzah and Midnight" (Pesach) |
April 16 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Blessed Seder Preparations" (The Warsaw Ghetto Rabbi) |
Apr. 16 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Throw A Frog At Story Time" (Pesach-Zohar) |
Apr. 16 | BONUS story for 11 Nissan and Passover Seder: A personal one with The Lubavitcher Rebbe from one of Ascent's founders VIDEO LINK |
April 16 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: Kosher Indicators" (Tazria-Metzora) |
April 9 |
Recent Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1375: "THE ASTONISHING WRONG-LINE BLESSING" (Lubervitcher Rebbe) |
April 2 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "The Carnivorous and the Kind"" (Shemini) |
Mar. 18 |
"Erasing Amalek" (SHABBAT ZACHOR - Chassidic Masters series) |
Mar. 4 |
Prayer & Meditation:: "Lecha Dodi" |
Mar. 4 |
Recent Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story#1369: "A Precious Coin" (SHABBAT SHEKALIM) AUDIO LINK |
Feb. 12 | RECENT Jewish Holy Days: Two ADARS: "Maintaining the Cosmic Balance -- 60 days of Jewish Calendar Calisthentics" |
Feb. 19 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Secrets of the Priestly Breastplate" (Tetzaveh) |
Feb. 12 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Two Tabernacles for Two Realities" (Trumah) |
Feb. 12 |
Recent Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story #1366: "A Two-Way Surprise at the Tsfat Cemetery" |
Feb. 5 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Nullifying Witchcraft" (Mishpatim - Baal Shem Tov Talmud lesson) |
Jan. 29 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Earthly and Heavenly Chariots" (Yitro) |
Jan. 22 |
Previous Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story #1363: "Divinely Arranged Synchronicity" (Schwartzes) |
Jan. 22 | ASCENT'S 41ST ANNUAL TU B'SHVAT SEDER! - Wednesday sunset, January 24, 7:30pm, reservation required |
Jan. 22 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Tu B'Shvat in Your Dreams" |
Jan. 22 |
BONUS Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles-- TROPICAL ORANGES IN A RUSSIAN WINTER ORCHARD (15th of Shvat) New Year's Day for fruit trees in Israel VIDEO LINK |
Jan. 15 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: Offer Yourself" (Yud (10th) Shvat - ch. 2 of the immortal chasidic discourse, 'Basi l'Gani) |
Jan. 15 |
Previous Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story #1362: "HOW TO FOOL THE SECRET POLICE" (6th Lubavitcher Rebbe) |
Jan. 15 |
BONUS Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles-- "The Reserved Chair" (10th of Shvat: Shabbat): yahrzeit of the Rebbe Rayatz) VIDEO LINK |
Jan. 22 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Leaders of People and of Time" (Beshalach) |
Jan. 8 |
BONUS Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles-- "Rebbes Rebbe" (2nd of Shevat): yahrzeit of Rabbi Meshulam-Zushia) VIDEO LINK |
Jan. 1 | Jews and Sports: "A Gold Medal for Gaza" |
Jan. 1 |
Previous Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story #1360: "Naming a Mother and a Daughter" (Lubavitcher Rebbe) |
Jan. 1 |
BONUS Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles-- "From Moshe to Moshe": (20th of Tevet: Sunday night - Monday) yahrzeit of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon - the Rambam) [watch the Ascent storyteller tell it on YouTube!] |
Jan. 1 |
BONUS Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles-- "More Enlightened than the Enlightenment" (24th of Tevet: Thursday night - Friday): yahrzeit of Rabbi Shneur Zalman, founder of Chabad) [watch the Ascent storyteller tell it on YouTube!] |
Dec. 26 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Deeds of Kindness with Added Mystical Intentions" (Ramak) |
Dec. 26 | Jews and Sports: "The Kabbalah of Chess" |
Dec. 18 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Fast Day of the Tenth of the Tenth" (Friday, Dec. 22) |
Dec. 11 |
Chanukah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story #1357: "Chanukah Sorcery in Iran" |
Dec. 11 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "From Sinai to the Internet" (Chanukah) |
Dec. 4 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Yehuda & Tamar" (A Chanukah Drama) |
Dec. 4 |
A Previous Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story #1356: "The Nazis Grandson From Bordeaux" (Lubavitcher Rebbe) |
Nov. 27 | RECENT Chasidic Celebration: YUD-TET KISLEV 5784 (Shabbat, Nov.25) |
Nov. 13 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Yaakov vs. Esau in Kabbalah" (Toldot) |
Nov. 6 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Kabbalah and the Eastern Religions" (Chaye Sara) |
Nov. 6 |
Weekly Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story #1352: "Sons of Fatima" (Rav Mordchai Eliyahu) |
Oct. 30 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "The First Jewish Delicatessen" (Vayera) |
Oct. 30 |
BONUS Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles-- "The Guest Who Wore All White" (11th of Cheshvan (Wednesday night-Thursday): yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinul) VIDEO LINK |
Oct. 23 |
BONUS Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles-- "The King, The Jews, The Rain" (7th of Cheshvan (Saturday night-Sunday): beginning of prayers for rain in Israel) VIDEO LINK |
Oct. 23 |
Previous Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story #1350: "Two Crumpled Pictures" (Kfar Veradim) |
Oct. 9 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: ""The Female Adam" (Bereishis - Apter Rebbe)" |
Oct. 9 |
Weekly Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story #1348: "Accessing the Hidden Light of Creation" (Baba Sali) |
Sep. 26 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Mystic Math" (Zot HaBracha - Chasidic Masters series) |
Sep. 18 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Purifying the Holy of Holies" (YOM KIPPUR) |
Sep. 18 |
BONUS Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #27, Story #1345: "Stranded in Kano" (YOM KIPPUR) |
Sep. 18 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "A Heaven-Inspired Torah Code" (Ha'azinu) |
Sep. 11 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Mystical Secret of the Shofar" (ROSH HASHANA) |
Sep. 4 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "The Multiple Souls of Adam" (Vayeilech) |
Aug. 28 | ECENT Chasidic Celebration: CHAI ELUL 5783 (Sunday night - Monday, Sept.3-4, 2023) |
Aug. 14 |
Holy Sites: Benyamin HaTzadik (29th of Menahem-Av) |
Aug. 14 | RECENT Jewish Holy days: The "Last-Chance Month" of Elul |
Aug. 14 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Divination: Forbidden and Permitted" (Shoftim) |
Aug. 7 | BONUS story for 20 Av: "Kabbalah vs. the Draft Board" (father of the Lubavitcher Rebbe) VIDEO LINK |
July 31 |
Previous Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #26, Story#1338: Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Even-Yisrael (17th of Menahem-Av) |
July 17 |
Sages of Safed: "Yahrzeit of the Ari" (Hei [5th] Av) |
July 17 |
Kitvei Arizal - the
Writings of the Holy Ari
June 26 | BONUS story for 9 Tammuz: "Death-March Water Revelation" (heard from a relative of a Jew who was there!) VIDEO LINK |
June 5 | Jews and Sports: "Speedy Beatie Wins Again" (Track) |
May 22 |
BONUS Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles for Shavuot: "An Angelic Visitation" VIDEO LINK |
May 8 |
BONUS Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles for Lag b'Omer: "Miracle in Meron" [for the audio version, send a request for A02] |
April 3 |
Archive Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles--Year #26, Story#1321: "From Chabad to Conservative" (Lubavitcher Rebbe) |
March 6 |
BONUS Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles for PURIM: "The Rabbi vs. the Ayatollah" |
March 6 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Purim and the Secret of Wine" (PURIM) |
Feb. 27 |
BONUS Story for the "Shabbat of Remembering" [for the audio version, send a request for A36] |
Jan. 16 |
BONUS Story for the "Shabbat of the Half-Shekel" [for the audio version, send a request for A42] |
Jan. 16 |
BONUS Story for the yahrzeit of the Alter Rebbe of Chabad (watch the Ascent storyteller tell it on YouTube!) |
Jan. 9 |
BONUS Story for the yahrzeit of the Rambam (Maimonides) (watch the Ascent storyteller tell it on YouTube!) |
Dec. 19 |
BONUS Chanukah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles -- "Chanukah in Bergen-Belson" (Tchaber Rav, Satmer Rebbe) [for the audio version, send a request for A79] |
Dec. 19 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: Who Knows Eight?" (Chanukah) |
Dec. 12 |
RECENT Chasidic Celebration: "A Tale of Two Stories" (Yud-Tes Kislev) |
Mar, 14 | Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Behind the Masks" (PURIM) |
Jan. 24 |
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Kabbalah Soul Music" |
Nov. 29 | Chasidut/Kabbalah: "Meditation on the Chanukah Candle" (Chanukah) |
Aug. 9 | Current Events: "Teenage Jewish Boy Saves Elderly Jewish Woman's Life" |
Feb. 1 | BONUS Story for this week: "The Rebbetzin in Action" |
Nov. 9 |
Weekly Chassidic/Kabbalah Story from R. Yerachmiel Tilles -- Year #24, Story #1196, featuring: "Schwartzie in Hebron" |
Sep. 14 | List of 13 stories for the upcoming holidays from "Festivals of the Full Moon" by Yerachmiel Tilles, the Ascent storyteller. |
Mar. 23, 2020 | Current Events: "A Meditation for CCPVirus-Induced Isolation and Lockdowns" |
Feb. 3 | Jews and Sports: "Lessons from the Super Bowl" |
Feb. 26 | Life at Ascent: Staff Profiles (updated) |
Jan. 15 |
Shoot the Rabbi: Q: "Why do you stress Judaism as a religion? We see it primarily as a culture." Response: |
Mar.28 | Life at Ascent: University of Haifa student review of Ascent |
Feb. 1 | Life at Ascent: short video clip from our 33rd annual Tu bShvat Seder |
Jan. 11 |
Guest Speaker: "A
Torah Perspective on Darth Vader"
Sept. 7 | SPECIAL FEATURE: "The Kabbalah of Coffee" |
June 16 | 5-STAR
REVIEW on for the Kindle edition of
"Saturday Night, Full Moon" by Yerachmiel Tilles, the Ascent storyteller.[preview] |
May 26 | RAVE
REVIEW by acclaimed author Yanki Tauber for "Saturday
Night, Full Moon" by Yerachmiel Tilles, the
Ascent storyteller. Available for purchase in Tzfat through ASCENT, or else from the publisher in Jerusalem. [preview] |
July 22 | Life at Ascent: Shabbat Experience in Mystical Tzefat (improved) |
May 6 | Chassidic/Kabbalah Stories -- Another amazing story with CORRECTED AUDIO LINK |
Oct. 29 | Shoot!: The ASCENT Question & Answer Forum menu (updated: "Jewish Yoga?"--at Beliefs #15) |
Sep. 3 | Ascent Studies: Links page (updated) |
Mar. 19 | Torah and Science: Global Ecology |
Feb. 27 | Kabbalah: "What is Kabbalah and Why?" -- more definitions |
Jan. 22 | Era of Moshiach - "Moshiach and the Moon" |
Jan. 22 | Prayer: Morning Blessing #17 - Women's perspective |
Aug. 15 | Life at Ascent: Ascent's First Thirty Years (updated) |
June 13 | Kabbalah/Chasidut: "Recommended Reading List" (corrected) |
Perennials | |
Life at Ascent: Original, unique, breathtaking Kabbalah Exhibit | |
Life at Ascent: Map to Ascent from the Central Bus Station (now GPS compatible!) | |
Life at Ascent: Your Personal Torah Code (updates, upgrades and new offers) | |
Life at Ascent: Seminar Reviews (updated) | |
Life at Ascent: SUMMER DAILY Schedule (REVISED!) | |
Life at Ascent: Library/Media Center (updated) | |
Life at Ascent: 30th annual Safed Klezmer Festival (Ascent schedule w' Festival schedule) August 22-24. 2017 | |
Life at Ascent: What is Ascent? (updated) | |
Life at Ascent: Staff Profiles (updated) | |
Life at Ascent: Contact us (updated) | |
Life at Ascent: Ulpan (updated) | |
Ascent Studies: Links page (updated) | |
Prayer & Meditation: Annual Blessing on Blossoming Fruit Trees (month of Nisan) | |
Meditation: A Woman's Shabbat Candlelighting Meditation | |
Ascent Studies: Free E-subscriptions (updated) | |
Ascent Studies: Surf & Learn -- Just like from our Visitor's Lounge here in Tsfat | |
Kosher Humor: Ascent "Kosher Humor" archives open for the merry month of Adar only | |
Life at Ascent: short video clip from our 33rd annual Tu bShvat Seder | |
"One Shabbat, One World" International Shabbaton - Feb. 3-4 | |
Farbrengen with BIG MO in L.A. (more information) | |
Ascent on the Road!: TWO Reunion Shabboses in L.A. with BIG Mo | |
Upcoming Jewish Festival: "New Moon of Nissan" | |
Prayer: "Lecha Dodi": Original rhyming translation and commentary. | |
Pirkei Avot: Concluding verse -- Mystical Insights into Rabbinical Ethics | |
Pirkei Avot: Introductory verse -- Mystical Insights into Rabbinical Ethics | |
Pirkei Avot: Introductory & Concluding verses -- Mystical Insights into Rabbinical Ethics | |
Pirkei Avot: Chapter 1 -- Mystical Insights into Rabbinical Ethics | |
"The Lag B'Omer Departure
of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai" (Lag B'Omer)
of Kindness with Mystical Intentions" (Ramak)
Chasidut/Kabbalah: "For a Full Month" (KiTeitze, Elul - Ohr HaChayim) | |
Sages of Safed: "Yahrzeit of the Ari" (Hei [5th] Av -- August 5-6) |
Kitvei Arizal - the
Writings of the Holy Ari
The Lubavitcher Rebbe - 30th yahrzeit: A Brief Biography | |
A personal story with The Lubavitcher Rebbe from one of Ascent's founders | |
Chassidic/Kabbalah Stories -- Tuesday of this week (Kislev 12) is the 185th yahrzeit of the Avritcher Rebbe of Tsfat, author of the mystical Torah book, "Bat Ayin" | |
Chassidic/Kabbalah Stories from R. Yerachmiel Tilles -- Year #1, Story #125 / Feb. 1999 (Shabbat Shekalim) | |
Chassidic/Kabbalah Stories from R. Yerachmiel Tilles -- Story #538 (Shabbat Zachor 5768/2008) | |
BONUS STORY from R. Yerachmiel Tilles for Chai (18) ELUL, birthday of both the Baal Shem Tov & Rabbi Shneur Zalman: "Mirror Mirror on the Wall" |
Chassidic/Kabbalah Stories: The rainy season in Israel begins tonight! For "rainy season in Israel" stories, see #103 and 106 (both in "Saturday Night, Full Moon") and 528, a Safed story | |
Excerpts from 5 reviews of "Saturday Night, Full Moon" by Yerachmiel Tilles, the Ascent storyteller. [extract] |