#601(s5769-36 / 10 Sivan 5769) Samson's Mother A couple who, unfortunately, had lost several infants shortly after birth, wanted to secure a blessing for the longevity of the next child from Rabbi David Moshe Friedman of Chortkov. (Connection: Weekly Torah Reading - haftorah of Naso.)
Samson's MotherIn the 1990's, the Pshevorsker Rebbe, R' Yaakov Leizer of Antwerp, was about to deliver a Torah thought at his tish [extended table] on the Friday night of parashat Naso, when he suddenly found himself speechless; he had forgotten what he had prepared to say! He did not wish to leave the meal without telling his audience something, and so cast about for an appropriate story. All at once, a certain story that took place approximately a century earlier came to mind, which he cheerfully told to the chasidim present. "A couple from a distant town once sought a private audience with Rabbi David-Moshe of Chortkov. Unfortunately they had lost several infants shortly after birth, and now that she was pregnant again, they wanted to secure a blessing for the longevity of the next child. Before giving them the blessing, the Rebbe instructed them that when the next child was born it should be given the name of a person from that week's Torah Reading. then it would survive. "They were blessed with a girl in the week in which parashat Naso is read, a portion notable replete with names of men--more than 20!--but none of women.As there was not enough time to make another long journey to Chortkov, the father approached the local rabbi for advice what they should do. He recommended that they name their daughter after the mother of Shimshon (Samson), who is featured in the Haftora. Although her name is not specified in the verses, it is known through rabbinic tradition* to have been Tzlelponit. "Some months later, they traveled to the Chortkover to inform him of the good news that the baby is healthy. When they told him of their dilemma in finding a girl's name in Naso, and the solution the local rabbi had suggested, the Rebbe told them that they had done well. The Maharshal,** he explained, wrote that the name Tzlelponis is auspicious for counteracting evil spiritual forces. So although the Rebbe had not chosen the child's actual name, through following his advice the couple had selected the one that was most appropriate to protect her." Later that night one of his chasidim came to the Pshevorsker in a frantic state, asking urgently for the Rebbe's blessing. His daughter, due to be married shortly, had fallen and been seriously injured; she was in a coma. The rebbe pondered why that night had been the first time he had ever forgotten his prepared remarks; perhaps it was Divinely ordained that he recall that story so that he should remember that the name Tzlelponis is a good omen for abolishing evil. Turning to the distraught father, he instructed him to add the name Tzlelponis to his daughter's name. The man did so on the following morning, and his daughter immediately recovered. ~~~~~~~ Editor's notes: * Baba Basra 91a. See also: I Chronicles 4:3.
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