Weekly Chasidic Story #891 (s5775-14 / 1 Tevet 5775) The Speediest of All Rabbi Yehezkel of Shinova immersed in the Ari Mikveh several times a day, so he was quite efficient and quick getting undressed and dressed. Connection: Seasonal--Yartzeit of the Divrei Yehezkel (son of the Divrei Chayim of Sanz) on 5 Tevet.
The Speediest of AllRabbi Chaim Halberstam, the Divrei Chayim of Sanz, used to say that his prayers went up to Heaven only via Tsfat, the small holy city in the north of Israel. Therefore, he wished to have a synagogue in Tsfat to serve as his personal "channel." In the 1860's He sent his eldest son, Rabbi Yechezkel-Shraga Halberstam (eventually to be known as the Divrei Yechezkel of Shineva), to establish such a shul. The Shinever made the journey to Tsfat twice, where, in addition to his mission, the famous "Mikveh of the Holy Ari" was for him a major attraction. He was an exceptionally pious Jew, and one of his long-established personal customs was to go the mikveh several times a day [as was the custom of the Baal Shem Tov-Y.T]. Of course, as a pious Jew and a Torah scholar of the highest level he could never justify taking so much time away from Torah study, so he trained himself to be exceptionally quick in getting undressed, jumping into the freezing waters of the underground spring-fed Ari mikveh, immersing, emerging, toweling and dressing. One afternoon, as he was undressing in the mikveh chamber, a much older man entered the room, undressed-immersed-dressed and started to leave before Rabbi Yechezkel could even finish undressing. He was astonished-how could anyone do this so much faster than he could! "Who are you?" he called out; "what's your name?" The man glared at him fiercely. "Why are you asking me my name?" Then he walked out. The Divrei Yechezkel quickly put his clothes back on and ran out after the man, but he was already out of sight. * * * After finally establishing the Sanz Shul in the Tsfat's Old City Jewish Quarter (where the remodeled version still thrives today), the Divrei Yechezkel made his way back to Europe. His father, the Divrei Chayim, demanded a detailed report of everything he had done and experienced. The son complied, but when he finished the father was not satisfied. "That's it?" he queried. The Divrei Yechezkel racked his memory. He had given his father an exhaustive detailed verbal report that had taken over an hour. What more could there possibly be to say? Then he recollected the strange incident at the Ari Mikveh. "Strange, but not particularly significant," he thought to himself. "Nevertheless, I'd better tell him about it." He related to his father the entire incident. His father looked up at him compassionately. "My son, the next time you merit to greet Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the "Prophet), don't ask him his name. Ask him for a blessing!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biographical notes: Rabbi Yechezkel-Shraga Halberstam of Shineva, (of blessed memory: 20 Shvat 5573 - 6 Tevet 5660 (Jan. 1813- Dec. 1899 C.E.)], was the eldest son of the Divrei Chayim, Rabbi Chayim Halberstam of Sanz. As an emissary of his father, he founded the Sanzer community and synagogue in Tsfat in 1870. He served as the rabbi of Shineva from 1855 till 1868, and then again from 1881 till his passing. A great Torah genius, many of his Torah insights into Scripture, Law and Kabbalah are collected in Divrei Yechezkel. Connection: Saturday night, 6 Tevet, is the 115th yahrzeit of the Divrei Yechezkel.
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