Weekly Chasidic Story #945 (s5776-17 / 16 Tevet 5776) The Strongman of Shklov The opponents of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Chabad plotted to throw stones at him as he departed their city. Connection: Seasonal - the 204th yahrzeit of Rabbi Shneur Zalman falls on Monday night - Tuesday of this week..
The Strongman of ShklovAfter a visit to the city of Shklov (where he had gone because of the controversy between the early chasidim and their opponents-see story #839 in this email list), Rabbi Shnuer Zalman of Chabad decided to return home. The opponents, in their anger, plotted to throw stones at the Rebbe as he departed. When the chasidim got wind of their plan they met to decide on a course of action to protect the Rebbe. One of them, a particular strong and robust 18-year-old youth named Dovid, stood up and declared that he would accompany the Rebbe and make sure that no harm befell him. When the time came to leave, a crowd of people armed with stones surrounded the Alter Rebbe's carriage in a threatening manner. Young Dovid, in the Rebbe's defense, ripped a tree out of the ground and faced the menacing group: "I will kill anyone of you who dares to lift a hand against this holy tzadik!" he roared. The crowd backed off, fully believing that he would carry out his threat. Dovid was then able to accompany the Rebbe to the outskirts of the city unmolested. As soon as they were outside the city of Shklov the Alter Rebbe climbed out of the carriage and said to the boy, "Dovid! You were responsible for actually saving my life. May you live to be 120!" A century later, one day before he was to turn 120 (!), Dovid called the chevrah
kadisha, the burial society, to his side. Although now a very old man, Dovid
was still in good health. Together, he and his guests made a 'lechaim' on some
whiskey. The very next day, on his 120th birthday, Dovid passed away. [Source: Adapted by Yerachmiel Tilles from the rendition of Basha Majerczyk, in her translation of "Extraordinary Chassidic Tales" by Rabbi Rafael Nachman Kahn, volume 1. Biographic note: Connection: Seasonal - the 204th yahrzeit of Rabbi Shneur Zalman falls
on Monday night - Tuesday of this week. To receive the Story by e-mail every Wednesday--sign up here! A 48 page soft-covered booklet containing eleven of his most popular stories may be ordered on our store site.
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