Nesting Time
Translated and annotated from Tikunei Zohar P.23a By
Simcha Triester [The following Zohar begins
with an analysis of the verse (Deut. 22:6): "If a bird's nest chances to
be before you in any tree or on the ground as you travel, whether there are chicks
or eggs, and the mother is sitting on the young or on the eggs, you shall not
take the mother with the young. You shall let the mother go and take the chicks,
that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days."]
Neshamot which emanate from the aspect of the higher Shechina are called "chicks".
Those whose Nefesh emanates from the lower Shechina are called "eggs".
This is the secret of the verse [we read on Friday night as we are about to
receive the extra Neshama] "Who spreads his tabernacle [in Hebrew,
"sukkat"] of peace over us." This is the Higher Mother [Imma
Ilaah, related to bina, associated with the Shechina], which is the sukka of
peace, which is a protective covering above us. Peace is with her as is written,
"I hereby give him my covenant of peace". (Num. 25:12)
(shalom) is another name for the sefira of yesod, which represents the covenant/brit
and the male reproductive organ; yesod is associated with Zeir Anpin, which corresponds
to the vav of the name Havayah. Sukka, which in its highest form represents the
source of all souls, represents the sefira of malchut, associated with the final
hei of the name Havayah. The sukka of peace thus represents the union of Zeir
Anpin and Malchut in the higher spiritual realms.]
There is a lower Sukka
that is made up of the letters kaf, vav hei and samech. This is the union of the
name Havayah and Ado-nai.
[The gematria (numerical value) of the letters
kaf and vav is 20 plus 6 = 26, which is the same value as the name Havayah: yud
and hey and vav and hei, 10 + 5 + 6 + 5. The gematria of hei and samech is 5 plus
60 = 65, which is the same as the holy name Ado-nai spelled aleph, dalet, nun,
yud or 1 + 4 + 50 + 10 = 65. The significance of this is that the very word "sukka"
can represent the union of Havayah (associated with Zeir Anpin) and Ado-nai (which
is associated with malchut). This powerful union signifies peace and protection.
It is also reflected in the very spelling of the word "sukka", which
is 26 - kaf vav, i.e. Havayah - couched in the midst of 65, represented by the
first letter samech and the last letter hei, i.e. Ado-nai.]
The "tabernacle
[in Hebrew, 'sukkat', spelled samech, vav, kav, and tav] of peace" can
be understood [when its letters are rearranged] as a cup [in Hebrew,
"kos", spelled kav, vav, and samech] of the letter tav, which represents
[the sefira of] tiferet. [In the same way that the sukka of peace
unites the name Havayah (corresponding to the letter vav of the Name) and Ado-nai
(corresponding to the final hei of the Name), so too does it unify the sefirot
of tiferet (associated with the letter vav) and that of malchut (associated with
the final hei). Malchut "below" becomes a cup - or vessel -which contains,
so to speak, the divine flow from "above", as represented by the sefira
of tiferet.]
It is also possible to interpret the verse "If a bird's
nest chances to be before you" as referring to the sukka, which is Higher
Mother [Imma Ilaah]. [This is the surrounding light represented by the branches
on the roof of the sukka]. "In any tree" [relates to the 4 species]
as is written, "And you shall take on the first day, the fruit of a citrus
tree, branches of palm trees, etc." (Lev.23:40)
are the seven days of the festival of Sukkot [each day of the festival representing
a different sefira]. "
or eggs" these represent the seven
times the bima is surrounded, [once each day when the "Hoshanot"
are recited]. |