The Ascent storyteller's WhatsAPP group
a different Audio, Video and Print story each Saturday night!
To JOIN "TillesTells" NOW, go to:
(in Israel:) https://chat.whatsapp.com/JSnaEQNJlts24yDVgvcmvw
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I post THREE different stories each week, with G-D's help.
"Intriguing stories of Kabbalah sages, Chasidic masters, and other Jewish heroes"

1) an embedded audio file on Saturday night.

2) an embedded video file and a link to it on my YouTube channel, also on Saturday night.

3) A link to the printable PDF file of my weekly email story on www.ascentofsafed.com, which is posted on this group on Thursday nights. (If you subscribe separately to the email list, you'll receive it earlier in the week.)

Be blessed.

Yerachmiel Tilles

TillesTells @ gmail.com

WhatsApp: +972 562 770 137


* THIS week's 3 featured Stories (schedule posted every WEDNESday) *
All times are for Israel time zone

Week #247--for Saturday night, Jan. 25, 2025

PRINTABLE--on this site:
"A QUESTIONABLE PIECE OF MEAT" (s1415/17-1236 words)

When, as a young married man, Rabbi Shneur-Zalman returned from the Maggid and lived publicly as a chasid, his in-laws' feelings towards him turned from endearment and respect to anger and hostility.

Why this week? Friday, the 24th of Tevet, is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Shneur Zalman, the first Lubavitcher Rebbe.

ARCHIVE for the 17 previous print stories from this Jewish year, 5785 (starting Sept. 3, 2024):
ARCHIVE for the 238 print stories from the *five* previous Jewish years, 5780-5784:
ARCHIVE for the other 1361 print stories:

Saturday night 7:45 - WhatsApp or Email

The local Muslim ruler asked why the Jews were making such a commotion. Upon being told it was a great Torah scholar and Kabbalist, Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira, who had been accorded such honor, he became intensely jealous.

Why this week? Monday was the hilula (yahrzeit celebration) of Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira.

Saturday night 8:30 - WhatsApp or Email or YouTube

No sooner had Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Chabad uttered those words when his chasid began trembling, his teeth chattering uncontrollably.

Why this week? 1) The Torah reading, Va'eira, contains the first seven of the Ten Plagues.
2) Friday, the 24th of Tevet, is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Shneur Zalman, the first Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Saturday night 8:00 - WhatsApp or Email or YouTube

The 178 previous videos are available on my YouTube channel .
Don’t forget to click “LIKE” on each one you enjoy! You can even make me smile :) by leaving a comment.

*NEW*: Link to my new playlist: the top 12 most popular videos, ordered according to number of views.

Next ZOOM session:

DATE: Saturday night,
PASSWORD: dalet04


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