

Free translation and adaptation from a discourse of
Rabbi Sholom Dov Baer Schneerson
Chanukah 5678 91917)

by Rabbi David Rothschild

[bracketed remarks are the translator's, usually based on other discourses]


Part 3 (of 3)

Part 1

Part 2



Holy Laughter

Each Hebrew letter has a numerical value. [For example, the first letter, aleph (à), is the number one.] The numerical value of the name Isaac ("Yitzchak"), after its letters are added together, equals eight times the numerical value of the four-letter name of G-d (8x26) mentioned above. Yitzchak refers to the revelation of the Future Era as it written, "They will declare to Yitzchak for you are our father."

[Yitzchak is derived from the Hebrew word laughter. Laughter is an expression of delight. In the Future Era G-d's attribute of Delight will be revealed. That's why Yitzchak pertains to the post-Messianic Revelation.]

The numerical value of the word Jacob ("Yaacov"} is equal to seven times G-d's name (7x26). Jacob symbolizes the lower of the two names of G-d. This is the name present in creation. Isaac by contrast, signifies the higher name of G-d which is above creation.

This distinction between seven and eight is reflected in the seven lights of the Temple's menorah as compared to the eight lights of the Chanukah menorah.

Two Types of Menorahs

The seven lights of the Temple's menorah represent the lower name of G-d (as Jacob equals seven times G-d's name). They illuminated the seven emotional attributes or sefiros active in creation. [Compare to the seven days (sefiros) of Creation.] This seven-branched menorah had to be in the southern side of the Temple. South, from
G-d's perspective is the Right Side. For if it had been placed in the northern part of the Temple - that is the Left Side - evil could attach itself to the limited life-force revealed there by the seven lights.

But the eight lights of the Chanukah menorah are the eight lights of G-d's higher name. Eight is the sefirah of Understanding. The ten sefiros can be configured as a single vertical set. When counted from below to above, Understanding is the eighth sefirah. As mentioned above, the essence of the Infinite Light is revealed in Understanding. Chanukah lights draw down and illuminate this light in order to rectify the Left Side.

And Harps

The Temple's harp consisted of seven springs. After the Messiah comes, the Third Temple will have an eight-stringed harp. The Hebrew word for harp (kinor) is composed of two sets of two letters: ner -- which means candle; and kaf-vov - which is the numerical value of G-d's four letter name - 26.

"Harp" signifies the illumination of G-d's light in a candle. In the Temple there was a revelation of the lower name of G-d, the one that was 7 x 26. Therefore, its harp had only seven strings. In the Future Era when the Third Temple will stand, there will be a revelation of the higher name: 8 x 26. That's why Messiah's harp has eight strings.

This, then, is secret of the eight lights of Chanukah. The Absolute Infinite Light from the higher name of G-d is revealed to rectify the Left Side and blow evil away.

Spiritual Courtyards

The menorah must face the outside because it has the power to purify even the "outside." Outside connotes a domain separate from G-d. This is similar to the strength of Torah to descend into the forbidden. As Torah's source is the essence of G-d's Infinite Light, it has the ability to reach down to return sparks of holiness and Jews, who are ensnared in the lowest places.

The Kabbala elucidates the disagreement between Rashi and Tosofos regarding the placement of the menorah. Rashi was of the opinion it be placed in the doorway opening to a courtyard.

[The physical world exists beneath four spiritual worlds. The highest world is called Emanation. It radiates directly from G-d; its source is a primordial template before creation. Emanation is considered G-d, even after creation. The next world down is called Creation. Separate existence exists only as potential. The third world is Formation. Here objects emerge from spiritual potential to spiritual actuality. The final world is Action. The sustenance and activity of everything on Earth is directed from there.]

There are two kinds of courtyards. The first is an inner courtyard which usually has a roof. This is analogous to the World of Creation where good and evil haven't yet mixed. Spiritual evil is set off by itself. It can't get into the inner, covered courtyard.

It is only in the World of Formation evil first gets a foothold. There, life force is so reduced, evil can receive sustenance. This spiritual world is called an outer courtyard. It is exposed to the outside and hasn't any covering. That's why evil can penetrate.

This explains why Rashi wanted the menorah exposed to a courtyard. There the menorah blows away evil at its root: at the place of its initial sustenance.

Tosofos, however, preferred the menorah in the doorway facing a public thoroughfare. The public domain refers both to the lowest World of Action, and the physical world where evil prevails. Tosofos felt the menorah is so powerful it can rectify evil even in its basest, most blatant manifestation.


According to all opinions the menorah must be placed on the left side of the doorway across from the mezuzah which is on the right door post. As mentioned above, the Levites, whose job it was to rectify the Left Side, required assistance from the Cohens. The Cohens provided the revelation of G-d's attribute of Kindness. Likewise, the Chanukah menorah which rectifies the Left Side, also needs help from Kindness of the Right Side. And that's what the mezuzah does.

In the circumstance where a mezuzah isn't on the doorpost, the menorah is placed on the right side. That's because lighting Chanukah candles is a mitzvah. And all the mitzvahs are of the Right Side. The menorah's purpose -- rectification of the Left Side -- is demonstrated by its placement in the outside door entrance. This displays its power to purify and rectify even the outside.

This then is the mitzvah of Chanukah lights. They draw down revelation from the Essence of G-d. That's why they have the power to rescue Jews trapped in the lowest depths and to eradicate evil from the world.


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