Purim Festival in Tsfat

Thursday, March 20 – Sunday, March 23 2008


Thursday Night

4-6 pm     Registration                                                Rena / Front Desk

6:15        Introduction: Purim the Festival of Joy  Mrs. Shulamit Tilles / Cave

6:30        Megillah Reading                                        Yosef Tilles / Roof

7:30           Break the Fast and Purim Meal             Staff/ Cave

9:00           Workshop: Preparing Shlach Manos          Staff/ Dining Room

10:00          Purim Party - Masks and Flasks :               R. Eyal Karoutchi &

                  Lots of simcha, Lechaim and dancing           Nissim Ben Chaim /Lecture Room



8:30 am   Breakfast                                                   Liat & Mor

9:30        Special Lecture: Miracles Masked             Mrs. Shulamit Tilles /Cave

10:30       Megillah Reading                                        Yosef Tilles / Lecture Hall

11:30          Talk: The Secret of Giving                       Mrs. C.B. Leiter / Lounge

12:00 pm  Shlach Manos Distribution                          Staff / Lobby

1:45 pm       Mincha                                                       Nadav / Ascent Shul

2:00   Purim Festive Meal - Go for it!                         Staff / Dining Room

5:15         Candle Lighting                                           Liat & Mor

5:30        Meal Placements and Orientation                 Reb Efraim

6:00        Kabbalat Shabbat Tsfat Style                            & Staff / Roof

               Followed by Meals with Families                


Shabbat Day

9:00 am         Breakfast                                                         Staff / Dining Area

                     *CHECK MAP FOR SHUL OPTIONS                    

12:00 pm        Kiddush and Class: The Secret Behind        R. Efraim Ehrenberg /

              the Mask                                      Lecture Hall     

1:00               Shabbat Meal with ASCENT Staff                  R. Efraim & Family / Cave

3:00                 Mincha                                                                Nadav / Ascent Shul

3:30              Ask the Rabbi                                                   R. Efraim Ehrenberg

4:30              Mystical Tour of Tsfat                                   R. Efraim Ehrenberg

5:30              Third Meal of Tsfat Kabbalists                      Rabbi Shaul Leiter/

                                                                                             Dining Area

6:00              Evening Service                                                Ascent Shul

6:45              Musical Havdalah with Dancing                         Reb Nissim & Family

8:30              Melave Malka – King David's Meal with            R. Nadav Cohen /

                     stories, food and song                                      Dining Area



9:15 am          Class: Light, Joy, Gladness and Honor       Miriam Zatloff/ Library


* Saturday night FREE to all Seminar Participants *



Redesign and implementation - By WEB-ACTION