Shaul Y. Leiter
From Flatbush
(in Israel since 1979)
Co-founder and
executive director. Gives a popular class 1 /12 hours before
candlelighting before each Shabbat and holiday.
With Ascent
since the beginning (Sept 1, 1983)

From da Bronx
(in Israel since 1978)
originator of the English seminars.
Currently in charge of web and print
publications . Tells stories every Sat. night
during "the
Meal of King David", two hours after Shabbat.
With Ascent
since the beginning (Sept 1, 1983)

"Big Mo" Siev
From Long Island (in Israel
since '83)
Director of Enlish-speaking
Student Activities, including daily classes. Look for him in the library.
With Ascent since 1987

From the Colorado mountains (in Israel since 1979)
Licensed tour
and trail guide, and fluent in Tsfat and chasidic history. Also
teaches a class for women in Chasidic thought every Wed. 11am.
With Ascent since the beginning
(Sept 1, 1983)

From Westchester, NY (in
Israel since 1978)
Expert in "women in
the Bible" and contemporary women's issues
With Ascent since the beginning
(Sept 1, 1983)

From Paris (in Israel since 1997)
Stepped in Ascent in 1997 and changed her life around ever since.
Chief receptionist and the "matchmaker" between Ascent Shabbat
guests and Tsfat families.
With Ascent since 2002
From Ashdod, Israel
Former silversmith, IDF paratrooper
and manager for three years of a "spiritual resort" in the
Far East. Gives great tours, as you can surnise from the photo
With Ascent since 2006

Rabbi Amichai Cohen was born in Jerusalem Israel, a descendant of
illustrious Sephardic kabbalists. In his ten years in Florida he was
the Rabbi of the Boca Torah Center. He is a recognized expert at teaching
Kabbalah to beginners, at Ascent on Thursday nights and Shabbat midday,
and internationally on the Web.
With Ascent since 2012

Moshe & Gali Moodie
From Brooklyn (he) and Belarus (she)
The delightful hosts for most of the Shabbat meals for English speakers
With Ascent since 2014 (in Israel since 2012 & 2013)